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Stations in £5m drive to get rail passengers onto bikes

"Major railway stations will be offered the chance to become "cycling hubs", with extra bike racks and repair shops, under government plans to boost the appeal of two-wheeled travel among train passengers."

Category: Transport


UK climate change policies 'dangerously optimistic', MPs warned

"Decc and Defra are like 'small dogs yapping at the heels' of more powerful departments, says leading climate scientist... ...the director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, said the government's planned carbon...


Transport: 'Make London like Bogota'

"UK towns and cities should become more like the Colombian capital of Bogota, at least in their transport policies, according to Professor Martin Wiseman, medical and scientific adviser at the World Cancer Research Fund. In this...

Category: Transport


Obama urges Congress to move swiftly on climate change bill

"Barack Obama put his presidential prestige on the line to urge Congress to pass climate change legislation today, using the high visibility of a White House press conference to take on widespread concerns about the costs of...


Himalayan glacier studies commence

"After a long gap, scientists in Nepal have embarked on the first field studies of Himalayan glacial lakes, some of which are feared to be swelling dangerously due to global warming."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1146 to 1150 out of 2977